
Permissions fall into four categories:

      None (no permission).

      View. If the user has been granted access to a project, he or she can view project dashboards and reports, but cannot access the project edit dialogs at all (even in view-only mode).

      Contribute. If the user has access to a project, he or she can view and edit project data (solution assumptions) and project settings. He will not be able to view or edit the Access tab (project access settings).

      Full Access. If the user has access to a project, he or she can view and edit all project assumptions/data and settings.


Permissions can be granted by service (Estimation, Closeout) or function (Manage Projects, Manage Site).  The permissions built into any user’s default role can be selectively overridden at the project level. So, for instance, our fictional Stakeholder may also be a member of the project team for Project X. Her default role only allows her to view the project assumptions. But if she is granted Contribute access to Project X, she will be allowed to both view and edit the project assumptions and settings (except for project access settings). 

As you can see, this is far from a simple topic. For more information on project permissions, see the Access tab topic in this user guide.