Notifying Users of Changes to Private Status

To ensure users know when they must take extra caution to protect sensitive project data, whenever the private project checkbox is edited, users with access will be notified by e-mail of the change.  This notice is automatic and is independent of whether users have subscribed to email notifications. Which users get notified depends on the direction of the change:

      When the private project checkbox is checked/project is made private. All users with access at the time the (newly) private project is saved will be notified that the project is now private.  The e-mail will contain a link to the project.  The name of the project will be in the e-mail, but not in the subject of the e-mail.

      When the private project checkbox is unchecked. When a previously private project is edited (and the private project checkbox is unchecked), users who had access when the project was Private are notified that it is no longer private.  The e-mail will contain a link to the project.  The name of the project will be both in the subject and the body of the e-mail.  Note that if other access changes were made when the project was saved, some users may have been removed from access to the project but they will still be notified that the project is no longer private.