Merging Keyword Data

When merging keywords into DataManager version 10.0 or above databases, the keyword lists for the two products will be merged:


      Collaborate keywords with no counterpart in DataManager will be added to the DataManager keyword list, regardless of whether any of the exported projects are tagged with them. As with other matching of exported fields, case and whitespace are ignored.

      When a match is found, if a keyword already exists in both Collaborate and DataManager, but it is checked in one tool and unchecked in the other, the Collaborate value overwrites the DataManager value.  For example, if the “Agile” keyword exists in both lists, and Agile was checked in the DataManager record but unchecked in the Collaborate record, it will be unchecked in the merged project record.

      Keywords that exist in DataManager but not in Collaborate are not updated. So, for example, if the DataManager record has “SOA” checked, but there is no SOA keyword in Collaborate, the merge record will still be tagged with SOA after the merge.