Merging Effort Data

All project effort in Collaborate is recorded in person hours, but DataManager projects can record effort in hours, days, weeks, months, or years.  If a match is found for an exported Collaborate project, the DataManager effort unit is preserved and imported effort is converted if needed.  If a new project is added to DataManager, exported effort will be converted to the DataManager global effort unit in the target database.

The following conversion rules are applied:


      Target effort unit in years:  Collaborate effort (in person hours)/(12* HrsPerPM).

      Target effort unit in months:  Collaborate effort (in person hours)/HrsPerPM.

      Target effort unit in weeks:  Collaborate effort (in person hours)/(HrsPerPM/4.33).

      Target effort unit in days: Collaborate effort (in person hours)/[HrsPerPM/(4.333 * 5)]