Merging Development Method/Paradigm Data

Though the Development Method field in Collaborate does not have an exact match in DataManager, the custom metric “Development Paradigm” is very close and contains similar default selection values. However, there are some significant differences between the two fields that should be kept in mind when merging exported Closeout projects to DataManager. The DataManager version of this metric (Development Paradigm) allows multiple values to be selected for a single project. Since the Development Paradigm is a custom metric, it can be made inactive, deleted from the target DataManager database, renamed or moved.

On export, the following logic is applied when merging matching project records:


      If the DataManager Development Paradigm metric has been deleted from the target database, the value stored in Collaborate’s Development Method field is not exported and a note is added to the download report explaining why. This issue can easily be resolved by importing the missing metric into the DataManager database and repeating the export from Closeout.

      If the Development Paradigm metric is found, but it’s inactive, then the value is not merged, and a note is added to the download report. Again, this issue is easily resolved by simply activating the Dev Paradigm metric in DataManager and repeating the export.

      If there is no Development Method (i.e. shows as “unknown”) in Collaborate, that unknown value is not written out to DataManager. 

      If there is a Development Method in Collaborate, and a matching corresponding selection value is active in DM the Collaborate value is added as an additional Development Paradigm in DM if it’s not already there.

      If there is a Development Method in Collaborate but there is no matching selection value in DataManager, the Collaborate value is exported and added as an additional selection value to the Development Paradigm custom metric.