

SLIM-Collaborate and the SLIM-Suite desktop tools are designed to share data and work together.  Some tool interactions are “built into” SLIM-Collaborate (Round Trip for Estimation projects; importing or exporting projects, templates, and configuration sets to or from SLIM-Estimate, SLIM-DataManager, and SLIM-Collaborate), while others require that SLIM-Estimate be installed on your SLIM-Collaborate server (skills breakouts, automatic upgrades to templates and associated workbooks).

This document describes steps needed to ensure full compatibility between Collaborate and the desktop when you upgrade SLIM-Collaborate or change the version of the SLIM Desktop Suite you use with SLIM-Collaborate.  Some steps are performed on the SLIM-Collaborate admin site and require Manage Sites permission in the user’s default role.  Others are performed via the main SLIM-Collaborate application and require Back Office permission.  If your organization self-hosts SLIM-Collaborate, you may also need access to your SLIM-Collaborate web server.

NOTE: For simplicity, this document assumes a single version of the SLIM Desktop Suite is used with SLIM-Collaborate.  If your organization uses multiple desktop versions, please contact QSM Support for guidance.

This NetHelp chapter covers three situations:

A)  Upgrading the version of the SLIM Desktop Suite used with SLIM-Collaborate, while maintaining compatibility with SLIM-Collaborate.

B)  Upgrading SLIM-Collaborate, while maintaining compatibility with the SLIM Desktop Suite.

C)  Upgrading both SLIM-Collaborate and the SLIM Desktop Suite.