Handling Duplicate Projects

Once you’ve uploaded an .smp file, the next step is to decide how to handle records in the source (DataManager) database that match project records already in SLIM-Collaborate.  If matching records are detected, should uploaded DataManager records replace (overwrite) matching Collaborate records?  Or should matches be ignored (this allows suspected DataManager matches to be added to the portfolio as new records and duplicate records to be handled manually)?

What constitutes a ‘suspected match?   The following three tests are used to determine whether matching projects already exist in SLIM-Collaborate:

1.  The project in the .smp source file contains an External ID that matches a project in SLIM-Collaborate.

2.  The project in the .smp source file contains a PID (hidden identifier in SLIM-DataManager) that matches one or more SLIM-Collaborate projects previously imported from SLIM-DataManager and the Phase 3 Start Dates match. If the phase 3 start date in DataManager is null (empty), but the Phase 3 End date matches, this counts as a match. If both start and end dates in DataManager are null, no match will be found.

3.  The Project name and Phase 3 Start Date match.  If the phase 3 start date in DataManager is null (empty), but the Phase 3 End date matches, this counts as a match. If both start and end dates in DataManager are null, no match will be found.


If any one of these tests succeeds (and only one match is found), the remaining tests are not tried: the matching records are merged.  If multiple matching projects are found, the DataManager record is SKIPPED (not imported) and a message to that effect is posted to the Import report.  If no match is found, the (new-to-Collaborate) project is imported and added to the portfolio.

There are three possible outcomes for imported project records:

      Added.  Projects from the source .smp file are added as new Closeout projects to SLIM-Collaborate. The new projects will inherit their trend group and project access settings from the configuration source used for the import and/or your primary responsibility selection.

      Skipped.  Multiple matching projects are also skipped, as are projects with invalid data.  NOTE: There is an exception to this general rule that can occur when a user with Full Access to the Closeout (but not Estimation) service uploads a Closeout project that matches a checked-out project in the Estimation stage.  In this scenario, the uploaded project will update the checked-out Estimation project and the project will be advanced to the Closeout stage.

      Updated.  When a suspected duplicate is found in Collaborate, the matching project from the source (SLIM-DataManager) completely overwrites the target (SLIM-Collaborate) project.  Beginning with Collaborate 3.0, Back Office or Closeout Experts (users with Full Access to the Closeout Service in their default role) can update matching projects, even if they do not have project-level access to the matching Collaborate records.  Unlike added projects, updated projects will retain their original trend group and project access settings (in other words, settings from your configuration source and/or primary responsibility selection will NOT be applied). Only information from the DataManager project records will be updated.