Grouping, Sorting, and Filtering Lists

SLIM-Collaborate makes it easy to share project data with stakeholders across the enterprise.  Most users don’t need access to every project in the corporate portfolio, but they do need to select and display information relevant to tasks they perform and projects they work with.  Project Managers may want to see projects completed during a certain time window or show only estimates performed by their Agile group. Back Office managers must review benchmark trends and estimation templates periodically to see which ones are being used, which can safely be deleted or replaced, and which should be updated with the latest performance trends.

To facilitate these tasks, SLIM-Collaborate employs several grid or list interfaces to organize, filter, and display logically related groups of shared data. Data displayed in these list interfaces can be sorted, grouped, and filtered using interactive controls in the column headings section of each grid. 

The Project List is the most often used of these grid interfaces. It displays all projects in your SLIM-Collaborate portfolio, allowing various users to sort, filter, or group data as needed.  This documentation outlines the functions available via the main Project List grid, but with a few exceptions these grouping, sorting, and filtering functions can also be used with other lists available via the Back Office and View menu items.


      Configuration Set List (Back Office | Configuration Set Management)

      Template List (Back Office | Template Management)

      Trend List (Back Office | Trend Management)

      Contingency Profiles List (Back Office | Contingency Profiles)

      Dashboard List (View | Manage Dashboards)

      Filters List (View | Manage Filters)