Five Star Metric Ratings

For each closeout project displayed on a 5-star chart or report, SLIM-Collaborate calculates and displays a simple  five-star rating based on the average metric value for similarly sized projects from the benchmark trend group. A composite rating for the entire data set and selected metric will also be displayed above the first row of the chart or report.


Description: Graphical user interface, application, Teams

Description automatically generated


The ratings are as follows:


      No stars place the project in the bottom 10% of ranked projects from the benchmark group.

      One star places the project in the bottom 20% of ranked projects from the benchmark group.

      Two stars place the project between 20- 45% of ranked projects from the benchmark group.

      Three stars means the project rank lies between 45-70% of ranked projects from the benchmark group.

      Four stars means the project rank lies between 70-90% of ranked projects from the benchmark group.

      Five stars place the project in the top 10% of ranked projects from the benchmark group.