Filtering Overview

Filtering reduces the number of items displayed in the current grid based on criteria you supply. In SLIM-Collaborate 5.0, the Project List, Filter Management, and Dashboard Management grids have been upgraded to make filtering easier and more intuitive. Older grids on the Back Office and Admin site pages offer a different user interface for filtering that is documented separately.

On the newer grids, columns with a current filter will have a tiny filter icon just before the metric name.



Resting your cursor over the large Filter Operators (Funnel) icon displays a hover tip showing the current filter value and operator for that column.

Older grids in Back Office or the Admin site will display the filter value in the filter field. To see which filter condition is currently applied, click the filter icon to bring up the drop-down filter conditions list. The current filter condition will be highlighted.


Like dashboards, filters can be temporary (example: unsaved filters that exist only during your current SLIM-Collaborate session), saved as Private (available only to the current user), or saved as Public (available to any SLIM-Collaborate user).  Saved Public or Private filters can be instantly reloaded and used “as-is” or modified to form the basis of a new temporary or saved filter.  Each user can even designate a favorite Public or Private filter that is loaded by default when they log into SLIM-Collaborate. 

On the Project List page, you can filter the entire portfolio to show a subset of projects that satisfy one or more criteria. Working with a filtered list of projects supports analysis tasks like:

      Selecting a subset of projects to be displayed on charts and reports on the Portfolio dashboard.

      Creating and saving a group of Closeout projects used to validate estimates against a relevant set of completed projects (Historical Solutions Selector).

      Selecting a group of projects to update using the Bulk Editing feature on the Project list page.

      Selecting a group of projects to export to Excel or CSV format for analysis outside SLIM-Collaborate.

      Selecting a group of Closeout projects to export to SLIM-DataManager for analysis and/or custom trend creation in SLIM-Metrics.


On the Filter Management or Dashboard Management grids, filtering is useful for:

      Identifying similar items in the list.

      Exporting descriptive information about dashboards or filters to CSV or Excel formats.

      Searching the list based on specified criteria.