Favorite or Unfavorite Filter

In addition to selecting a favorite filter on the Filter Management page, you can quickly select a favorite filter that loads by default when you log into SLIM-Collaborate.  To favorite a filter, simply expand the Choose Filter Selector and rest your cursor over the filter you wish to favorite. A small set of icons (depending on the permissions in your default user role) will appear to the right of the dashboard name.


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Click the heart icon to make the currently selected filter your new favorite.  The heart icon will appear to the left of the filter name, and a broken heart “unfavorite” icon will replace the heart icon in the toolbar to the right of the filter name.


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Once favorited, a dashboard remains the “default” or initially loaded filter after logging into SLIM-Collaborate until you either:


      Unfavorite the filter by clicking the broken heart icon, or

      Select another filter as your favorite.


If you have no current favorite filter (or choose to unfavorite a filter without selecting a new one), the Project List will have no filter applied when you first log in. Changing the favorite filter does not affect any currently displayed filters; to change the current filter, you must select another from the list or clear the current filter.