Export Options

When exporting a dashboard to PDF, PowerPoint, or Excel, you will be prompted to wait for the export to complete. In most cases, exports are completed quickly, and you will see the downloaded export file within seconds of clicking any export icon.  The exception to this rule can occur when working with any of the closeout benchmarking charts and dashboards on the Portfolio dashboard.  Because complex calculations are needed to compare individual metrics and projects against industry or internal benchmark trends, dashboards containing these charts or reports may take a long time to export – especially if your portfolio or current project list filter contains a large number of projects.  To minimize long export times, we recommend placing only one of these chart/report types (5 Star Benchmark, Trend Benchmark, Quadrant, or Metric Benchmark) on a view.

Once the export is complete, you will be given the option to save or, depending on your browser, open the exported and downloaded output file.