Exporting Solutions to SLIM-Estimate

In addition to checking out a solution and exporting a SLIM-Estimate workbook file, you can also simply export the current solution to a SLIM-Estimate compatible .sew workbook file. To do this, select the Export Project icon from the project toolbar of a locked or unlocked project.

Before the project is exported, SLIM-Collaborate will save any changes made to the project during the current working session.  Next, data from the current solution will be merged with data from the project’s associated SLIM-Estimate workbook. A browser-specific prompt will appear, allowing you to accept the default file name (or override it) and save the exported project. To make it easier to keep track of exported project files, the suggested default file name will follow this naming convention:


 “Exported_from _[PROJECT NAME]_on_[YYYY-MM-DD]THH_MM_SS.sew”

Here is a real suggested file name: Exported_from_Alpha_on_2018-02-25T02_04_18.sew

The exported .sew (SLIM-Estimate Workbook) file can be opened with the SLIM-Estimate version that corresponds to the project’s Associated Workbook or opened and upgraded using any later version of SLIM-Estimate. To view the project’s Associated Workbook version, use the Project Overview Report on the Estimation dashboard. If you have the QSM default public dashboards, the report can be found on the PROJECT REPORTS dashboard.


 Description: Table

Description automatically generated with medium confidence 


When you open the workbook in SLIM-Estimate, the solution will automatically recalculate and be preserved when you save the workbook.  It is then available for check in to SLIM-Collaborate, or you can make more adjustments to the project settings or the solution, and then check it in. NOTE: if you open, upgrade, and save the project using a more recent version of SLIM-Estimate, the project’s Associated Workbook Version will be updated to reflect the upgraded versioning when you check the file back into SLIM-Collaborate. So, for example, if you export a project to SLIM-Estimate 10.1 format, open, upgrade, and save the file using SLIM-Estimate 10.3, then check it back into SLIM-Collaborate, the Associated Workbook Version will be updated to SLIM-Estimate 10.3a.

You can export a project even if it is currently locked from a previous checkout.  The exported workbook will be a copy of the workbook that was checked out.  After opening the exported workbook, you may use it to check the project back in.  This is useful if you misplaced the originally checked out workbook.

You may also open an exported workbook with the SLIM-Estimate API.  This can facilitate the integration of SLIM-Collaborate data into other tools.  See the SLIM-Estimate API documentation available via the QSM web site for more information about using the SLIM-Estimate API.