Exporting Reports to Excel

To export all reports on a dashboard, click the Export to Excel icon (). This feature exports all reports on the currently displayed dashboard to an Excel workbook, one report per worksheet, in the order they were loaded into the dashboard. In addition, SLIM-Collaborate will create a worksheet with the title “Overview” and add it as the first worksheet in the workbook. The overview worksheet contains information about the dashboard and a table of contents that contains links to the exported charts.

If no reports are displayed on the current dashboard, the export will terminate with this message:

 Description: Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated


If the dashboard does contain reports, your browser will prompt you to save or open the exported Excel workbook.



Though we have made every attempt to ensure a browser-friendly user interface and functions, some browsers do a better job of rendering printed and exported content than others.  For best results, we recommend using Google Chrome with the export to Excel.