Entering Filter Values

The filter values fields allow you to enter a metric value (example: 12,000, 12/30/2023, New Development, Initial Estimate) that can be combined with filter operators like >=, on or after, and, or contains to select projects that satisfy a given set of conditions.


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Entering a filter value for a column can be done in different ways, depending on the column metric and its associated data type:

      Simple text or numeric metrics. To enter a value, simply click inside a blank filter values field (metric examples: Project, Effective IU, Total Average Staff) and begin typing in the desired value. For text metrics like Project (name), the default filter operator is Contains and filtering of the project list occurs as you type, with the filtered project list updating each time you type a new character. 

Numeric metric filtering works in much the same way, except the default filter operator is “greater than or equal to”. To see the default operator, position your cursor over the filter icon and read the hover tip.  Once you have entered the entire metric value string, you can change the filter operator by clicking the filter icon to access a drop-down list of operators.

      OBS Node.  Because the OBS structure for your site may have multiple levels, the drop-down control for selecting an OBS Node is presented as a tree list. Expand the list of parent items to see the child items under each category.

      Start/End Date.  Note that no filter value fields appear in the headings of these columns. To enter a filter value, click the funnel (filter) icon and select a filter operator. A drop-down control appears, where you can enter one or more dates by typing or using the calendar icon.  Depending on which filter operator you selected, you will have one date value field or – if you select the Between or Not Between operators – two date value fields. When you have completed data entry, click the Filter button to apply your changes or Clear to exit and discard your changes.

      List metrics. List metrics are used for fields that have a predefined set of selection values (Active Phases, Solution Workflow status, Development Class, etc.). Usually, these fields cannot be empty or null but may have an Unknown and/or Select All checkbox. Where the list of defined selection values is long, the options you see in the list may be limited to values in use by the projects in your portfolio. Compound or hierarchical metrics like Industry/Sector will show both categories separated by a slash.

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