Editing the Private Project Checkbox

Only the user with Primary Responsibility can edit a project’s private project checkbox.  Other users can see the checkbox, but it will be disabled for editing. While editing the project, the user with primary responsibility may assign primary responsibility to another user. But until the project is saved using Save Project icon in the project toolbar, that change doesn’t take full effect.  Simply clicking OK after editing the project’s access settings is not sufficient.

To illustrate, imagine that Pat Jones has primary responsibility for a private project and Terri Smith, with Manage Projects permissions in her default user role, is on the project’s user access list.  Pat can access the project and edit the private project checkbox because he is the user with Primary Responsibility.  Terri can view and edit other fields on the project’s Access tab (namely, the OBS Node, primary responsibility field, and user access list), but cannot edit the project’s private projects checkbox.  If Pat edits a private project and changes the Primary Responsibility to Terri (then adds his name to the project list – this is necessary to OK and accept the change), the project has not yet been permanently updated. If Pat reopens the edit dialog before the project has been saved, he can still edit the private project checkbox because the change in primary responsibility has not been committed to the site database.  But if Pat changes the Primary Responsibility to Terri Smith and saves the project, Pat will no longer be able to edit the private projects checkbox. Once the change in primary responsibility is saved, Terri (the currently designated user with Primary Responsibility) becomes the only user who can change whether it is private.