Deleting Templates

From the Template Management page, click the ‘X’ icon at the far right of each template name to remove it from the database. 



A small window will display, prompting you to confirm the deletion. Deleting a template will not affect projects created using that template as the project settings are stored in the associated configuration sets imported with the template.

To delete multiple templates, simply highlight the items you wish to delete, then use the Delete Highlighted Items button.  You will be prompted to confirm the deletion and a message will inform you how many items were marked for deletion and how many items were deleted.

All but the last template in the list can be deleted.  To delete the last template, you must first upload another template. 

It’s important to realize that deleting a template does NOT delete the configuration sets associated with it. If those configuration sets are not in use by any projects, they can be deleted by selecting Back Office | Configuration Set Management from the menu.