Because they are highly sensitive and confidential, the
names and descriptions of private projects are encrypted in the site database
once the project is made private by checking the private project checkbox on the
project’s access tab (and saving the project). When the site database’s
Activity table, which tracks when projects are created and updated, is opened in
SQL Server – note that few users (if any) would normally have these permissions
even if the site is privately hosted - private project names do not appear. In
place of each project’s name, the phrase “Private Project” will be
At the time projects are created, however, they are not
private. Project names for non-private projects DO appear in the Activity
table of the site database to provide an audit trail. Creators of private
projects can enhance security by ensuring that project names do not expose
private business information, or simply use a generic alias when the project is
imported or created. The project name can be safely changed once the project has
been made private and saved.