Check In Data Adjustments

Changes made to the project during Round Trip data exchange may cause adjustments during project check in:


      Missing Primary Trend Group. If the primary reference group used during SLIM-Estimate modeling is not available in SLIM-Collaborate, the check in will be allowed but an alternate trend group will be assigned to the project. SLIM-Collaborate will look for another version of the missing trend group or, if none is available, substitute the QSM All Systems trend. If desired, the Back Office admin can upload a copy of the missing trend version via the Back Office Trend Management page and assign it to the checked in project.

      Matching configuration set. If a configuration set in the workbook matches one of the public configuration sets already present in SLIM-Collaborate, then the first matching configuration set will be used.

      No Matching Configuration Set. If the configuration from the workbook doesn’t match any public configuration set in SLIM-Collaborate, a private, project-specific configuration set will be created and labeled appropriately on the Project Settings tab.  This private configuration set will not be made available to other projects in the portfolio.

      To preserve settings unique to SLIM-Estimate, the checked in SLIM-Estimate workbook will be uploaded to and saved in Collaborate and will replace the previous associated workbook for the project. This workbook will be used as the “starting point” the next time the project is checked out.  Therefore, any changes made in that workbook to the data specific to SLIM-Estimate will be preserved for subsequent checkouts.

      On successful check in, the Estimation project will be unlocked and other users can then edit the project data and settings.

      The Checkin project icon will no longer be visible in the project toolbar, and the Checkout Project icon will reappear.